Marumiya Pokemon Furikake Seaweed Rice Seasoning with Glitter Sticker (4 Flavours) (20 pcs) 丸美屋 ポケモン ふりかけミニパック (20袋入)

Marumiya Pokemon Furikake Seaweed Rice Seasoning with Glitter Sticker (4 Flavours) (20 pcs) 丸美屋 ポケモン ふりかけミニパック (20袋入)
nutritional information
(Eggs) Flour, Sesame, Lactose, Sugar, Egg Yolk, Salt, Soy Oil, Processed Soybean, Bonito Flakes, Bean Paste, Reduced Starch Syrup, Extracts (Chicken, Yeast, Bonito Flakes, Seafood), Miso, Seaweed, Soy Sauce, Yeast, Mirin, Aosa, Matcha, Dextrin/Seasoning, Eggshell Calcium, Antioxidants (Vitamin E), Carotenoid Pigment, Flavoring. (Salmon) Sesame, Laclose, Processed Soybean, Sugar, Sal, Lour, Processed, Salmon, Egg Yolk, Reduced Starch Syrup, Bean Past, Extract (Chicken, Yeast), Miso, Soy Oil, Seaweed, Soy Sauce, Yeast/Seasonings, Eggshell Calcium, Colorants (Red Yeast Rice, Carotenoids), Vitamin E, Favorings. (Bonito Flakes) Sesame, Lactose, Bonito Flakes, Sugar, Salt, Flour, Processed Oil, Soy Sauce, Reduced Starch Syrup, Processed Soybean, Egg Yolk, Bonito Flakes Powder, Extracts (Chicken, Bonito Flakes, Yeast, Seafood), Seaweed, Algae, Mirin, Seaweed, Bean Paste, Miso, Yeast, Green Lettuce, Matcha, Dextrin/Seasonings, Eggshell Calcium, Colorants ( Caramel, Carotenoids), Acids, Antioxidants (Vitamin E), Flavoring. (Vegetables) Sesame, Lactose, Flour, Sugar, Salt, Starch, Processed Oil, Egg Yolk, Reduced Starch Syrup, Carrots, Bonito Flakes, Strained Bean Paste, Extracts (Chicken, Yeast, Bonito Flakes, Seafood), Miso, Soy Sauce, Seaweed, Spinach, Pumpkin, Onions, Yeast, Green Lettuce, Matcha, Miri Dextrin/Eggshell Calcium, Seasonings, Colorants (Flavonoids, Carotenoids, Gardenia), Antioxidants (Vitamin E), Thickeners (Xanthan), Flavoring.(Contains Egg, Milk, Sesame, Soybean, Chicken, Salmon, Wheat.)
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